First Lady Michelle Obama

Jumping Jacks: Let’s Move Campaign

One of the growing epidemics in the United States today is childhood obesity and there are many organizations who are addressing the problem. The Let’s Move campaign, launched in February 2010 by First Lady Michelle Obama, has a motto, “America’s move to raise a healthier generation of kids.” Since it began, there have been many activities connected to the campaign to encourage today’s youth to become more active and engaged with things other than sitting down and watching television, playing video games or getting into mischief. The Let’s Move campaign provides nutritional information, community and parental involvement, as well as suggestive tools to take action. Courtesy (Feb. 2011)

Today, First Lady Michelle Obama will launch a jumping jack challenge on the White House lawn, in hopes of  breaking the Guinness World Records® title for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period.  The first lady will be (as the White House stated, the “Jumper in Chief”) leading hundreds of local children and National Geographic Kids in doing one minute of continuous jumping jacks.  The challenge will begin with a brief program to be hosted by NBC Today Show Weather Anchor, Al Roker and continue on from 3 p.m. October 11th to 3 p.m. October 12th. More than 20,000 people are needed to take part in doing jumping jacks for one minute to break the current record of 20,425, which was set on March 22, 2011.  An official from the Guinness World Records® will be on hand to review the beginning of the 24-hour challenge.  Anyone can join one of many sponsored events that are being held worldwide. For more information about National Geographic Magazine’s program go to

So even your involvement might not officially be recorded, it won’t hurt if you get up and get moving. One minute of jumping jacks will benefit your heart and mind.

Casually speaking and all the best,